Wednesday 24 April 2013

How get metro style form on visual basic

hello everyone

In this tutorial i will show you how to get metro style form on visual basic 2010 .you will need dotnetbar for this .i have provide the download link below it comes in a 30 day trial version.

At first open your visual basic 2010 and set the form border style to none .So that you will get the blank form 

Now drag the Metro shell to the empty form 

Now at the properties menu set the settings button visible and help button visible value to false 

Now delete all the application menus by right clicking them. After deleting the form will look quite good 

Now change the can customize property to false so that it will delete the arrow mar in top of you form  

Now you are ready to debug the form.I t will look similar to the form in the image below 

i have changed the for color to lightcyan you have to change both of the form the metroshell and windows form
now you are ready to create your program . 

hope you liked this post. If you have any doubts please comment below 

please like encyberpedia's facebook page 

download dotnetbar here

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