Monday 22 April 2013

HOw to get IP address of a person

hello everyone 

In this tutorial i will show you how to get IP address of a person .To do this you have to apply a bit of social engineeringl.This is a bit tricky work ,you will need the following things.

#.a free web hosting account (ex.byethost ,my3gb or 000webhost )

so lets start 

first make a free account on any free hosting site (byethost recommended) and don't install any script. Copy all the user information to the clipboard.

now download this .zip file and extract all the stuffs.You will get two files name ip.php and ip_log.txt.

no open the .php file and edit the location you can add some attractive like bu in this case i will be adding  this link means it will redirect to the site which you have placed after location: .

after you have extracted open filezilla there will be some file named upload your files here blah! blah! delete it and upload your file to the ftp of your website .

now open your site and copy paste the link of ip.php and shorten it  using google shortener  .

now you can copy the sortened link and spread it.To get the IP of the guy just open your web hosting account and go to online file manager , there you will find ip_log.txt download it and open it you will get a somthig simmilar to this filled with ip address .

this is tricky work so if you have any doubt you can leave your comments 

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