Saturday 27 April 2013

Software cracking [basics]

hello everyone

In this tutorial i will give you a whirl wind introduction to software cracking.Software cracking a kind of modification which can disable or add features to the software .In today's world most of the software have become trial wares or share wares  which means you have to pay for the software.if you know cracking  software then you don't have to pay for the software . 

some software cracking tools:


WDASM32 is a disassembler, which basically takes
machine language and translates it to assembly language, much
like how an assembler takes assembly and translates it to
machine code. This is extremely important for cracking as it
allows you to view a program’s code line by line. This can be
useful since some applications calculate serial keys within the
code, and if the algorithm is visible it’s possible to replicate it to
generate a new serial key.


Hiew is a hex-editor that allows a user to change hex values
for a given application. Doing so enables a cracker to modify
key lines of code. For example a user may replace a jump
command with a no-op command thus rendering the jump
useless. This may be useful when an application displays a
warning window telling the user that the serial-key entered is
invalid. By nullifying this, a user may skip the message box and
register for an application unhindered.


RegMon is a system administration tool that lets you observe
all actions attempted against the windows registry. For
cracking, this may be useful as a serial key may be stored in the
registry and realizing that an application is accessing that may
be crucial.


FileMon is similar to RegMon however instead of observing
the registry, it observes all accessed files. Again this may be
useful since the application may be accessing algorithms or
serial keys from a separate file.


olydbg is an x86 debugger that emphasizes binary code analysis, which is useful when source code is not available. It traces registers, recognizesproceduresAPI calls, switchestablesconstants and strings, as well as locates routines from object files and libraries

you can download all these softwares from the below link 

Basic of Assembly

Before you can begin cracking a trial, you must have some basic knowledge of assembly. Unlike high-level programming languages such as C++, Pascal, and Java assembly does not rely on variables. Instead, it allows you to interact directly with the processor, and retrieve it in the same way. The places on the processor where the data is stored are called “registers”. The four most common registers are named AX, BX, CX, and DX . These four registers are for general storage. The don’t have any special functions, they just store data (like variables).
In assembly, all commands look like this: 
COMMAND PARAMETER,PARAMETER unless the command only uses one parameter. There are a few basic commands that you should know:
The MOV command is pretty much like using the assignment operator (“=”). It places the value of the second parameter in the first parameter. For example, MOV AX,DX moves the contents of the DX register into the AX register. You can also move numbers directly, as in MOV AX,15.
The basic math commands are ADD , SUB , MUL , and DIV . Each of these commands require two parameters and store the result in the first parameter. You can also increase or decrease the value of a single register by 1, using the INC and DEC commands.
To compare values, most programs use the CMP command, which subtracts the value of the second parameter from the first. There is also a TEST command that does a bit-wise comparison. The result for each command is stored in a special area that can be accessed by functions called “conditional jumps”.
To move to another part of the code, a program will use the JMP command. The syntax is JMP . If you want the program to jump only if a certain condition has been met (like the “If” statements in high-level languages), you can use these conditional jumps:
JE: Is executed if the parameters of the CMP command were equal.
JZ: Jump if zero .
JNE: Is executed if the parameters of the CMP command were NOT equal.
JNZ: Jump if not zero .
JG: Is executed if the first parameter was greater than the second.
JL: Is executed if the first parameter was less than the second.
JGE: Is executed if the first parameter was greater than or equal to the second.
JLE: Is executed if the first parameter was less than or equal to the second.
Cracking the Program
You should use Ollydbg for cracking programs. Open the program you want to crack .Cracking will be easier if the program is already expired. Olly will do some processing and analyzing, then display the code. The very first thing you want to do is right-click the code and select Search for > All intermodular calls. A window should pop up and show a big list of functions. These are all of the APIs that Olly found in the code. Towards the top of the window, there is a row of that says:
Address | Disassembly | Destination
Click destination, so we can sort the APIs by name. Scroll down until you find a function called “GetSystemTime“. (If there are several, you will have to follow the next steps for each one.) Click it and press F2. This will set a breakpoint so the program will automatically be pause when GetSystemTime is called. Press F9 to run the program. The program should pause before it can show you a dialog box notifying you that the trial is expired. If that happens, then go back to Olly, and press CTRL+F2 to restart the program. Find GetSystemTime again, click it, and press F2 to disable the breakpoint. Now double-click it. You should now be looking at the actual code of the program near the call to GetSystemTime. What we want to do now is look for a CMP or TEST statement, followed by a CONDITIONAL jump, such as JE or JG. The jump is there to either display a dialog and exit if it expired, or give you access if it hasn't expired yet. Not all trial programs are the same, so I can’t tell you exactly what it will be like. Set a breakpoint on the jump (F2) and run the program again. If it still pauses before displaying a message or exiting, we’re almost done! (If not, you’ll need to look for another conditional jump.) The program should now be paused, and the conditional jump should be highlighted. Double-click it so you can modify it. Make it the opposite of whatever it is change JE to JNEJG to JL, , then click the “Assemble” button. Press F9 to run the program again. Tada! Your program should work now. Right-click the code again and select Copy to executable -> All modifications, then choose Copy all. A new window should appear. Right-click it and choose Save file to save the program. 
download the tool here 
hope you understood how to crack software.In my next tutorial i will show you how to crack small software and we will proceed to pro level cracking .Now a days the scripts are becoming very strong ,so you have to work hard to crack the software.
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1 comment:

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