Monday, 17 December 2012

HOIC [High Orbit Ion Cannon]

in this post i will show you how to use ''HOIC''

High Orbit Ion cannon is a very powerful DDoS tool used by Anonymous

you can download it from here

using this is simple just go to the plus icon and a new window will pop up paste the website link there

set threads to 4 by default it is 2 and power to high then fire the lazer and enjoy

features of hoic

- High-speed multi-threaded HTTP Flood

- Simultaenously flood up to 256 websites at once

- Built in scripting system to allow the deployment of 'boosters', scripts designed to thwart DDoS counter measures and increase DoS output.

- Easy to use interface

- Can be ported over to Linux/Mac with a few bug fixes (I do not have either systems so I do

- Ability to select the number of threads in an ongoing attack

- Ability to throttle attacks individually with three settings: LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH and its written in a language where you can do a bunch of really nifty things.

before doing this change your ip  
this post is for educational purpose if anything happens i am not responsible for it

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