Saturday 23 February 2013

how to hack user names and password [backtrack]

well after long lite i am posting a backtrack tutorial

this will help you to hack usernames and password 

open a new teminal and type cd /pentest/exploits/set and hit enter

now type ./SET

this will open Social Engineering Toolkit SET

if you are asked to agree the terms and services of the SET then hit

now chose option 1 (Social Engineering Attacks)

now again choose option 2 (Website Attack Vectors)

now choose the attack method select 4 (Tabnabbing Attack Method)

now choose 2 (site Cloner)

after that enter the url for example

now press return to continue hit enter

now open another terminal and type ifconfig to know the url 

now spread the url while chatting before doing that shorten the url using

hope you all like this post  

if you have doubts leave your comments 

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