Sunday 24 February 2013

how to find vulnerabilities [uniscan windows ]

 in the backtrack tutorial i have explained you how to use uniscan

bu in this post i will describe you how to use it in windows 

first download perl language from here and

 uniscan from here 

after you install perl langusge

you caa use uniscan with you cmd

keep your uniscan in a path which will be easier to you,better to keep it in desktop and rename the folder to uniscan if it is with its version like uniscan 6.2 it will be easier to use

so lets start 

open your cmd and enter the path 

type the command "cd desktop" 

now enter the uniscan folder "cd uniscan" without quotes

now to scan vulnerabilities enter the following commands 

" -u -bqdw"

it will start scaning

hope you understood how to use uniscan in windows 

if you have any doubts then feel free to leave comments

and please like our facebook page

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