Thursday, 24 January 2013

sql injection

hi friends abhilash here

in this post you will learn some basic of sql injection

at first  what is SQL and SQLi ?

SQL is the shot for "structured query language".This language is needed to communicate with the database .                                                        

 A query is a set of instruction sent to the database which searches the   corresponding data in the database.

SQLi is a hacking technique use to use the database without any authorization

there are many ways of finding SQLi vulnerable site 

you can search using dorks that i have posted before

now i will demonstrate a simple example of SQL injection

let see an example

now we have to check the site is vulnerable or not by just adding a single quote at the last of the url 

now the url becomes'

if you find some data is missing on the page than that site is vulnerable to

 SQL injection 

an SQLi vulnerable site looks like this

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