Friday 6 November 2015

How to write c++ in mac os x without downloading Xcode

Hello everyone 

In this post i will be sharing a easy way to write and compile c++ in mac os x without the use of Xcode which requires an additional download of 4.30gb.You only need commandline tools to be installed in order to write c++ 

First thing to do is open macintosh hard disk the go to Library>Developer>CommandLine Tools>usr>bin.You should see a bunch of files like in the image below

 And if you saw the same then you can go ahead to your favorite c++ compiler and start coding without any problem.If you didn't see so you have to open up terminal and type xcode-select --install.If the terminal shows any error after you type the command then you might be lucky, the xcode    is already in stalled in your computer.

You will get a license agreement prompt hit agree and you will see the window telling finding software and the download will begin shortly.

After the download finishes go to Library>Developer>CommandLine Tools>usr>bin and you will see some files as the first picture in the post.Now you can write c++ in any compiler like eclipse or codeblocks.

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