Tuesday 25 March 2014

How to hack dropbox accounts using spear pishing

Hi everyone 

In this post i will show you  how you can hack dropbox accounts using spear pishing.Well it all started with a xss bug . The bug allowed the execution of xss present in html files uploaded in the dropbox but unfortunately many pople had reported it and it got duplicated but after patching the bug i tried something new.so here is a way how the dropbox accounts can be hacked by spear pishing.Spear pishing is a type of social engineering method in which it is difficult to spot the fake pishing links and it is used by infamous hackers group like anonymous ans SEA.

So first create an interesting pishing page and upload it to your dropbox account.You can refer my tutorial on how to make a pishing page here.

Now after you have uploaded click on that file to get the preview you will see the you file in my case it is a html file.  

Now the interesting stuff starts just do inspect element on the name of the file in the frame. 

After that developer tools pane will open at the bottom just see there care fully you will get the link of the original file where it is getting hosted.

The link looks some thing like this. 


Just copy it to your clip board and now you have to edit it remove the last parameters with till the &.For your ease of understanding i have posted the image you can spot the difference between the two links. 

This is a preview of the pishing page 

Now you are done and most of the people will not be able to detect the pishing and will become victim easily.

You can spread the malicious links to anyone by shortening it.I hope you understood it well now it is upto you how you make the pishing page more attractive and spread it.You have to be strong at javascript to make your pishing page more attractive and undetectable.Example you can upload a download page of dropbox and when the victim will click the download button a login frame will be executed saying the file is made private by the user and please login to continue.

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