Sunday 5 January 2014

How to have two profile picture at a time

Hi everyone 

In this article i will show you how you can use two profile picture at the same time.

To do this first go to your profile and find any suitable profile picture from your profile picture album and copy the fbid from the photo link and copy it to your clip board.

Here is the link of the photo now you have to copy the fbid

Here the fbid id has been bolded and in my case it is 167907730039655.

Now hover the mouse on you profile picture and go for edit thumbnail  and now on the picture right click and select inspect element.

Now scroll down until you find the form tag, now click on it  and scroll down until you find between the input tag.

Now replace the photo id with the existing one by double clicking the value. 

Now click any where out side and save it. now you will find that there will be two profile pictures on your profile

click on the images to make it large 

For more details you can watch this video.

Hope you liked this post.

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