Friday 31 May 2013

WAMP error fixed

hello everyone 

In this tutorial i will show you how to fix the WAMP error. Actually i am new to WAMP before i was using XAMP for testing all my php code etc .So When i installed WAMP i got this error .

This is an error which comes when the IIS is turned on in computer.IIS uses port 80 on your computer for running websites and the WAMP server too. When the IIS is turnd on the WAMP cant use the port 80.

So how to fix it 

lets start 
 go to control panel > Programs and Features > turn windows features on or off 

the IIS will be enabled 

just disable it and click ok

now it will prompt a window for restarting your pc .Restart it and then run the WAMP it will be running 

if you cant understand the above process you can watch this video 

hope you liked this post if you have any doubt you can leave your comments .

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