Tuesday 30 April 2013

Email harvesting using metasploit

hello everyone

In this tutorial i will teach you how to do email harvesting with metasploit. First of all you will need backtrack OS for this purpose .If you have it then it is okay or you can download it from http://backtrack-linux.org/ and run it in virtualbox. Let's start .

First open a new terminal and type msfconsole to open metasploit in backtrack .It will take 2-5 minutes .

Now type use auxiliary/gather/email_search_collector to open the harvester .

Now type set DOMAIN xyz.com . In this case xyz.com is the domain name .In this tutorial i am using homail.com .You can also use url of any site.

Now type exploit to gather email .It may take time depending on the mail list .

After exploiting you will get an email list as shown in the figure.

If you have any doubts you can leave your comment .Please like Encyberpedia's facebook page

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