Thursday 21 February 2013

How to crack windows 8 trial apps

things needed 8

2.cracker download it here

now what you have to do is extract the files in desktop or any safe place

then open wsservice_crk > release > wscrack_32 for 32 bit users

               wsservice_crk > release > wscrack_64 for 64 bit user

and install the program using administrator  permission

i am using 32 bit system so i am going for 32 bit

in this tutorial i am using conor mynary pro app for cracking

now go to wsservice_crk > wscrack_anycpu > token extractor

run it as administrator

now search the app and  

click on crack it

you are done 

now you can use it 
full version

hope you like this post enjoy

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video tutorial below

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