Thursday 13 December 2012

who told you cant create folder named con

Who told that you cant create a folder named''con'',''prn'',''nul'',''com1'',''com2'',''lpt1''

no fear when cmd is near

open your cmd by typing cmd  in run or by searching it

open the path where you want to create the folder

if you are making the folder in d drive then enter to d drive by typing d: 

then type ''mkdir\\.\d:\con'' without quotes  and hit enter 

and the folder is created 


you can give the folder any name ''con''.''null'',''prn'' etc.

you can also create it in c drive by entering to c drive by typing ''cd c:\'' and write the code ''mkdir\\.\c:\con''


if you want to create it in desktop then 

create a new folder and rename it 
hold the alt key with 255 in numpad
 release your fingers after pressing alt+255 and name the folder con


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