Monday, 12 November 2012

how to update pirated kaspersky 2013

this is avery simple trick just do the following
1. go to regerit.exe by run
in win 7 you can search it
2. then go to the following
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > KasperskyLab > protected > AVP13 > environment > PCID

here 13 atands for the year of the antivirus

3. doubble click on the PCID you will get some thing like this
 (8F10C22F-6EF6-4378-BAB1-34722F6D454)  just edit the last three or four letters or numbers and letters

4. now exit your kaspersky and restart it you will get the lisence of 30 days

after the lisence is over you can repeat the step 2 and 3


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